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Scene of Rackenford village through trees and across green fields
Parish Council Home



Our Parish Council is responsible for looking after many areas in our community including the common and its play facilities, the multi use games area (MUGA), Trinity Well, managing the roads during times of ice and snow and representing the community for local planning applications.


Our councillors are all volunteers from the local community, focused on enhancing and maintaining our community.


Parish Notices

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Parish Notices
Council Meetings

Upcoming Council Meetings 

Parish Council meetings are generally held in the School at 7.30pm on the first Tuesday of every other month, starting in January. There are meetings in the months in between if there is more urgent business.


The Annual Parish Meeting, at which accounts are presented, is held with the May meeting. Everyone is welcome at all meetings and the public are invited to raise issues at the end of the official agenda (or during discussions at the Chairman's discretion). 

Upcoming Council Meetings
 7.30pm | Rackenford School

25th March

Our Councillors & Clerk

Please direct all council business to the Clerk

Parish Clerk
Rob Martin
 07768 829511

Cllr Scott Ware

Nobys Cottage, Rackenford, Tiverton, Devon

Vice Chair
Cllr Graham Lamb
  Higher Mogworthy, Rackenford, EX16 8DX

Cllr Sarah Child 
West Backstone, Rackenford, 
EX16 8EF

Cllr Fred Phillips 
Snow Warden
Prospect Place Farm, Rackenford, EX16 8DS 

Cllr Peter Jones  
Bradford House, Rackenford, EX16 8DS
07708 187 305

Cllr Stewart Warne
Footpaths & Play Area
Truros, Rackenford, EX16 8EE 

Cllr Jenny Cox 
West Nutcott, Rackenford, EX16 8EE

Cllr Pete Grugeon
Bulworthy Project, Rackenford

Our Councilors

Meeting Minutes, Agendas & Papers

All documents below are formatted in the universal PDF format. Most devices will be able to read these documents but please click this link if you have any difficulties and need to install or update your PDF reader.

Accounts & Transparency

Governance Documents

Planning Information

County Council Services & Information

County Concil Services & Info
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