Find below key local information and services.
This is also a space to advertise local services within the community for the community. To add a listing please contact the Parish Clerk. To assist with the running of the site we request the modest donation of £5 per listing per year.
Local Businesses & Services
Pubs and Restaurants
The Stag Inn, Rackenford - Bistro Pub Food - www.thestagrackenford.co.uk
The Mount Pleasant Inn, Nomansland - Pub Grub - www.themountpleasantinn.com/ - info@themountpleasantinn.com
The Masons Arms, Knowstone - 1 Michelin Star Restaurant - www.masonsarmsdevon.co.uk/
A wider selection of pubs and Restaurants are available in Tiverton and South Molton.
Takeaway Deliveries
Thai Herb Kitchen, Nomansland. Healthy Home cooked Thai food. Delivery only. Delivery to Rackenford and surrounding area. - www.thaiherbkitchen.co.uk
Nawab Indian Restaurant and Takeaway, Tiverton. - Indian takeaway. Delivery to Rackenford £5 charge. www.nawabtiverton.com/order-now - 01884 257516
Holiday Cottages, Broad Close Farm, Rackenford, www.broadclosedevon.co.uk/
The Stag Inn - Holiday accommodation - www.thestagrackenford.co.uk
Luxury Log Cabin, Bulworthy Project - www.bulworthy.uk/cabin/
Acorns Naturist Retreat - The place to be when you have nothing on! www.acornsindevon.co.uk/
Trades People
Primary Decorators - Painter and decorators - Witheridge - 07969 485366 - www.facebook.com/primarydecorators
More coming soon...
South Molton Pannier Market - Thursday and Saturday - www.southmoltonpanniermarket.co.uk/
Tiverton Market - Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday - www.tivertonmarket.com/
In Tiverton you will find a Lidl, Morrisons, Marks and Spencer Food Hall and Tesco. In South Molton you with find a small Sainsburys.
Accidents and Emergency Care
Urgent Care Centre at Tiverton Hospital - minor injuries Unit - Open 8am - 8pm
Outside these hours and for additional services visit A& E at Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, Exeter.
Doctors - for which Rackenford is within the catchment
Mid Devon Medical Practice - Cannington Road, Witheridge - 01884 860205 -
Amicus Health - Bampton Surgery, Barnhay, Bampton - 01398 331304 -
Castle Place Practice - Kennedy Way, Tiverton - 01884 252333 -
Exmoor Medical Centre - Oldberry House, Fishers Mead, Dulverton - 01398 323333
Clare House Surgery, Newport Street, Tiverton - 01884 252337
To find a local dentist taking new patients visit www.nhs.uk/service-search/find-a-dentist
Veterinary Clinics
West Ridge Vets, Witheridge - www.westridgevets.co.uk
Vale Veterinary Clinic, Tiverton - www.valeveterinarygroup.co.uk/
Park Hill Vets , Tiverton - www.park-hill-vets.co.uk/
Dulverton Veterinary Practice, Dulverton - www.dulvertonvets.com/
Brian Phillips - Rackenford - Agricultural contactors and Motor servicing - 07710 850220
Harris Motors - Nomansland - MOT's Services and all motoring requirements - www.facebook.com/HarrisMotorsDevon/ - 01884860127
Mike Ackland Motors - www.mikeacklandmotors.co.uk/
Recycling Centres
South Molton - open at weekends - www.devon.gov.uk/wasteandrecycling/centre/maclins-quarry-recycling-centre/
Tiverton - open throughout the week - www.devon.gov.uk/wasteandrecycling/centre/ashley-recycling-centre/
Tuition, Lessons, other...
Coming Soon
Local Produce
Coming soon
Please note that Rackenford Parish council is not recommending or endorsing these companies, and cannot be held responsible in any way.